Sunday 10 January 2016

Here's to maybe...

Many many years ago I had, what I considered to be, a successful blog. It was successful in that it achieved what I wanted it to: I got to be creative, update my readers (not that many) on important goings-on in my life, vent my frustrations and do other bloggy things. My posts were mostly funny, sometimes depressing and generally therapeutic, mostly to me, sometimes to others...

The life happened, the world changed and the blog died. I actually deleted it, but same difference...

I'm not sure if I'm starting to blog again or if this one will die like its predecessor (of the same name) after this post. This may turn into a celebration of the past, a chronicle of the future or a filling in of the in-betweens,  It may come to nothing at all, lets see what happens, shall we?

So here's to maybe...

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